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Joe Caputo
154 articles

Monogram 1/72 Hu-16 Albatross

October 12, 2015 · in Aviation · · 20 · 3.7K

's has been around forever, and still hasn't lost it's appeal to me. Everyone, it seems, loves sea planes and amphibians. Luckily, for the modeler, there are quite a few in scale, which is a manageable size. Monogram's Albatross, while not the biggest, is still at that end of the scale.

The was used by the military since the 50's, and is still in service in some foreign countries, as well as in civilian hands. This allows the modelers many choices in schemes and colors. There are quite a few books on it, and a plethora of color pictures, and walk-around's, on line.

This particular bird sat in prime for months, while I tried to make up my mind on how I wanted to finish it. I had mentioned U.S. Coast Guard markings, and our friend, Frank Cronin generously came through with all the markings I could use (and then some). A BIG thanks to Frank ! So, there was no getting out of doing one of the USCG schemes. I always found this scheme to be one of my favorites, and decided to give it a try. Masking has never been a favorite part of building for me (rated just above putty/seam work), so this one sat for months while I waited until I was in the mood. I kept thinking about Frank, waiting to see his decals at work, and so, finally shamed my lazy self into getting it done.

I enjoyed the build, and am happy with the result. My next Albatross is already underway. It doesn't take many to fill a shelf, even in this scale. It's a simple enough kit to build, (once you sand off all the rivets) that you can spend more time on various paint schemes, etc., and that keeps it interesting to me. Like I said, who doesn't like sea planes?

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. I'll give you a 4.0 on this one !

  2. Really nice work, Joe. I like it a lot. Franks has been quiet lately, I miss his input and gentlemanly ways.

  3. Good job, Joe...not an easy scheme to pull off.

  4. Hello Joe...You've accomplished a really nice job of modeling that fine old Monogram kit. The colorful USCG markings you selected look great on it. Very well done.

  5. Nice build, and an attractive scheme. And I have to admit - I am too drawn to flying boats!

  6. Nicely done Joe, you pulled the masking off a treat.
    Sharp colours too.

  7. Good old Monogram! And the scheme is certainly more colorful (IMO) than the USAF rescue on the initial boxing. Coast Guard decals are hard to source, the only ones I know in 72nd are the old Microscale sheet.
    When I was at Ft. Monroe, I sometimes saw one of their HC-130s fly over, probably out of Elizabeth City, on the way to Langley. Another favorite aircraft and CG scheme.
    Ya done good!

  8. color scheme and sharpness are outstanding

  9. Really nice. Reminds me of the USCG Albatrosses that used to be down in San Diego at the USCG station near Lindbergh Field.

    The kit has been around since 1955, which is about the same as 'forever."

  10. Looks great to me Joe.

  11. Joe,
    Absolutely stunning in every way. If masking is not your thing, well you knocked out of the park with this one. Thank you for your kind words. Seeing what you have done here is a true compliment to you.

  12. Good, crisp build Joe.

  13. Stunning Build!

  14. you sure did it justice joe ...that is a treat to look at

  15. Very neat, Joe, you seem to have got the hang of masking, and you did justice to Frank's decals and encouragement.

  16. Man that looks nice, great job Joe.

  17. πŸ™‚ ... Greetings ... πŸ™‚ :
    Joe, that is one sharp and clean work on that model. A very nice sheen can be seen and the red has a very nice "GLOW" to it. Nice job.

  18. Hi Joe,
    Excellent build, not to mention your masking.
    A real eye catcher.

  19. Really nice painting, Joe. I love it !

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