The A6M Database at iModeler

111 articles
  • Items tagged with A6M
  • 111 articles
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  • Last addition 7 years, 10 months ago

Mitsubishi A6M Zero

1/48 Hasegawa Nakajima built A6M2-N “Rufe” Type 2 float plane

It's been a little while since I have posted any of my builds here. I've been really busy with moderating the Midway Group build, while trying to get a few more planes built before the 75th Anniversary of Midway in June. Here's a little [...]

It’s Twins!… well, sort of?

Finished, last night and this morning...these two have haunted my workbench for several months, and at last they are completed! Both are Tamiya's 1/72 A6M2b kit; one a Pearl Harbor raid Zuikaku machine with kit decals and the other a 1942 [...]

A6M-5 Zero 1/32 Tamiya

My old model A6M-5 Zero Tamiya 1/32 Painting Model Master

Hasegawa 1/32 Mitsubishi A6M5c Zero Type 52 Hei

I finished this up last week, for am IPMS/USA review. It's a great kit. The only additions I made was in the form of a set of Radu Brinzan's paper seat harnesses.

Tamiya 1/48th Mitsubishi A6M3 Model 22

Tamiya 1/48th Mitsubishi A6M3 Model 22 of the 582nd Naval Air Group, Buin, Bouganville, flown by Major Saburo Shindo in June of 1943. The kit is box stock except for Eduard Photoetch seat belts and Modelkasten filament for the antenna [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 A6M3 Zero 22

I added a CMK interior and some wire to the engine and landing gear but that's about it. I am not sure who made the pilot's body but the head is from Reheat. This is my interpretation of Hiroyoshi Nishizawa's aircraft. This is a [...]

Tamiya 32nd Zero.

I’ve been working on Tamiya’s 32nd scale Zero for a few months now. Generally I enjoyed the build but didn’t appreciate the added complication of the working features. I also struggled with getting the front of the fuselage to line [...]

Monogram 1/48 A6M5 Zero

The Monogram A6M5 Zero is a very simple model. It has no real cockpit detail, a one piece canopy, and you can see through it looking from below through the wheel wells, when the landing gear is down. But when I was 14 years old, I won my [...]

Tamiya 1/32 Scale A6M-2b Type 21 Zeke “Zero”

This is my totally out of the box build of the kit I won at the 2013 Oregon Historical Modellers Show at McMinnville. The markings I chose of the 7 included are for NAP1/c Tsuguo Matsuyama, of Air Superiority Command, 2nd Strike Unit, [...]

1/32 Tamiya Mitsubishi A6-M5 Zero

I bought this model in Paris a few years ago at a really cool hobby shop on the Left Bank. Don't know why I bought because I could have purchased it here in the States for less. Anyway, it's built straight out of the box. I used the [...]