The ambulance Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with ambulance
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 months, 2 weeks ago

WWII German Ambulance Truck V3000S/SS M Maultier with Shelter (ICM 35414 1/35)

This beautiful kit has waited some time in my stash to be built. WWII trucks more and more apear to be my favorite. While working on it I bought a portable airbrush set, to gain some experience with that. Eventhough I’m still working on [...]

WC-54 Ambulance Vignette: “War and a Piece”

Hi All This vignette, titled, “War and a Piece” was inspired by the wedding scene in the movie, The Story of G.I. Joe,... but I just had to give it a twist. Thanks for taking a look. As always, KEEP IT FUN! Kit: Italeri, 1/35, [...]

Medic!...1/48 Austin K2Y Ambulance

After some pause, time for a 1/48 vehicle between all the aircraft. Tamiya kit oob, thanks to the quality it was an easy and straight forward build. Painted with AC RC Forrest Greenn Build thread here (link)

1/35 Revell 1917 Model T Ambulance

I completed this model in Feb 2020. It is an OOB kit and the only mod is the canvas cover over the spare wheel which has been moved to the roof. Paints used were air brushed and paint brushed Vallejo Model Color.

1/35 Italeri WC 54

I love the stable of Dodge trucks from World War Two! This is the 1/35 Italeri WC 54 Ambulance. I added the tool rack and a couple of jerrycans to make feel more complete. I still have four or five WC 51’s, an M6 (WC 55) and a WC 63 To [...]