The Bf 109 Database at iModeler

534 articles
  • Items tagged with Bf 109
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  • Last addition 1 year, 3 months ago

Messerschmitt Bf 109

Desert Messerschmitt 109s and yellowing decals

Aircraft models do not fly but, time does. During the 90s Hasegawa's Bf 109 variants at the 1/48th scale were popular among modelers. Some Messerschmitt models that I built then included 109s depicting aircraft serving in the North African [...]

End of War...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109K-4, II/JG52

Dad´s finished another one. New Eduard kit oob. A good kit like their other late 109s but still some mnor corrections to be done. Relocated the lift up holes on the rear fuselage, opened the missing shell ejector opening for the engine [...]

Bf 109 K-4few notices before build...

Great news about all new Messerschmitt Bf 109 K-4 from Eduard in 1/48 scale. Unfortunately Eduard make some mistakes. All of mistakes could be easy upgrading: I have used both JaPo monographs (released in 1997 and 2000 year) on Bf 109 K-4 [...]

Fine Molds Bf-109

This was a nice little build. The kit went together like the proverbial shake n bake kits from Tamiya. The Finnish markings are a nice change of pace. I think I’ll look for another one to make the green and black camo version too.

Pure nostalgiaAirfix 1/24 Me-109E

Evening folks, With the summer holidays here, there's been some welcome additional modelling time and this was finished off over the weekend. I was given this by my dad who had in turn been given it by an old family friend - I think it is [...]

Eduard Bf 109F-2 and Bf 109F-4

The Eduard 1/72 scale Messerschmitts are the new kids on the block, and the new release comes with lots of bells and whistles in the form of two PE frets, Kabuki tape masks, and a generous (and interesting) decal sheet. Surprisingly, the [...]

Finnish Air Force Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6

Tamiya 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf-109G-6. Finnish Air Force Night Fighter, 1948. This model was built according to IPMS/USA Basic Kit Build (BKB) criteria. (Hence the early canopy, not an Erla Haube canopy). Decals from Fine Molds. I need to go [...]

Late War 109 G-14 AS

Finished yesterday, my interpretation of a 109 G-14 AS that saw several distinct interpretations of its Reich verteidigung band. Seems that white/red interpretation is more likely true than the white/green depicted by kit and decal [...]

1/48 Wingsy Bf 109 E-4

This is a first rate kit. The parts fit and and molding quality are excellent. Additional details added by me were mostly in the cockpit area. I opened the port side sliding panel on the canopy hood while also adding knobs to the panels. [...]

Eduard 1/48 Messerschmitt 109G-6 in Captured Markings

It's been a while, but my build output has been very slow of late. I had heard many good things about the Eduard 109 series, and had the Delta One "American G-6s" decal sheet in my collection for a while now, so it seemed like a [...]