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dale travis
75 articles

1/48 Wingsy Bf 109 E-4

July 4, 2023 · in Aviation · · 19 · 449

This is a first rate kit. The parts fit and and molding quality are excellent. Additional details added by me were mostly in the cockpit area. I opened the port side sliding panel on the canopy hood while also adding knobs to the panels. The canopy hood stopper cord and spring were fitted from the aft canopy to the head armor plate. Grab bars were added to the upper windscreen. I folded a small piece of tissue paper to simulate a map and put it in the map case. Brake lines were fitted to the main landing gear struts. Aftermarket items included Master MG 17/ MGFF gun barrels and Quinta cockpit decals. A Bitzkreig seat and exhausts were also used. The model represents a 109 from 3./JG 2 during the Battle of Britain flown by an unidentified pilot. .

Reader reactions:
23  Awesome 2  2 

20 additional images. Click to enlarge.

19 responses

  1. Outstanding Dale

  2. Awesome result, Dale!

  3. Great job on a neat kit!

  4. Yeah, Wingsy has definitely taken control of the 109E and gotten it right. You've done a great job and gotten the most out of a great kit. Really superb result and I like it a lot.

  5. Absolutely great result, Dale @dtravis
    Well done.

  6. Great looking Bf! Love the early 109s and this is a hit. The little extra details you added, like the sliding window, makes that little extra on an already smashing kit.

  7. Magnificent build!
    My compliments.

  8. Looks great, Dale. πŸ‘πŸ‘

  9. The added details and excellent finish make this model that bit special, good job.

  10. Nice work, Dale! Great paintwork.

  11. Profile Photo
    Walt said on July 5, 2023

    Looking at your pictures, the kit does look amazing. Just the right amount of surface detail to really bring the surface to life. You did a great job on the kit, and really created a little gem!

  12. Superb 109 Dale 😊

  13. Thanks to all for your positive comments!

  14. @dtravis
    As usual a great build here Dale πŸ˜‰
    Wingsy Emils are indeed the best of the class in may aspects, the only thing I don’t favour (and wrote it here in my E-1) is the excess of PE in areas not really appropriate for that medium. Hands down the best Emil in the quarter scale even so. What was your opinion about their decals? I loved them

    • @holzhamer
      Thanks for your nice comments Pedro. I agree about the Wingsy photoetched parts. They're the weakest part of the kit. I replaced the curved head armor and support braces plus the oil cooler splitter with plastic stock. The decals are printed well but Microsol, Solvaset and Mr. Mark softer had little effect on getting them to snuggle down so I replaced most of the cross markings..

  15. Nice work, dale (@dtravis). Kit came out great and the camo is awesome.

  16. Hey Dale (@dtravis),

    Wow this is amazing! Congratulations on your model. Love it!

  17. @scottiya Thanks very much for your nice comments. Your recent 109E posting is an excellent build.

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