The Bf 110 Database at iModeler

58 articles
  • Items tagged with Bf 110
  • 58 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 years, 7 months ago

Messerschmitt Bf 110 Zerstörer

The second Royal Class Bf 110… this time the E-2trop

Not the easiest to build, but Eduard's 1/48 '110s build into very good looking models with a bit of patience and the occasional big hammer. I may have pooched the exhaust stains on this one- looking at photos that may have been [...]

1/48 Eduard Messerschmitt Bf-110 E2 Trop

This is 1/48 Messerschmitt Bf-110 E2 trop finished few years ago with the markings of 7./ZG 26 in Libya during 1942. The kit is Messerschmitt Bf 110 Royal Class from Eduard.This was built OOB except for the exhausts from Quickboost Happy [...]

Eduard Bf 110D-3 ZG-26

As I struggle with the second model from the Royal Class '110 kit, I have to look back at the first to keep myself motivated. These buggers are not easy builds. but with perseverance, they can turn out real nice. This on is pretty much [...]

1/72 Eduard Bf-110 C

A recently finished model (VERY recently, about 30 minutes ago or so...). This is the new Eduard 1/72 Bf-110 from the C/D-boxing. There are other decal options in the kit that are a lot more attractive than this one but I felt so sorry for [...]

Review: Eduard 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf 110E video review

(link) Here's a video in-box review of one of the potential awards in this month's iModeler contest, the excellent 1/72 Messerschmitt Bf 110 by Eduard. The type series was opened by the E version (subject of the shown Profipack boxing) [...]

1/48th ProModeler by Revell-Monogram Bf-110G-4

I thought since I posted pictures of my Cyber Hobby Bf-110 that it my be interesting to also post pictures of my Revell-Monogram Bf-110G-4. I built this one a while back and have to say I really enjoyed the kit. I thought the detail in [...]

1/48th Cyber Hobby Bf-110D3

I recieved this kit as payment for a brake job from a good friend. I built it out of the box as a review for our local club's news letter. Overall it was a blast to build, with excellent overall detail and generally good fit. It is a [...]

Video: Messerschmitt Bf110 C / Focke Wulf Fw190 D. Truly Scratch-Built. One-Off Aluminum Models.

1:15 Scale. Model Engineering. One-Off Aluminum Models. Truly Scratch-Built. The custom metal models built by Guillermo Rojas Bazán are considered the best in the world in their category by several institutions of wide international [...]