The Combrig Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Combrig
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years ago

The icebreaker Krassin

The icebreaker Krassin (Russian: Красин) was built for the Imperial Russian Navy as Svyatogor. She had a long, distinguished career in rescue operations, as well as a pathfinder and explorer of the Northern Sea Route. She has been [...]

1/700 scale KRI Sultan Thaha ex-Parchim class corvette

Goodday to all , This is one of my first resin naval build from Combrig. The original vessel is Parchim class corvette which is a Soviet era naval vessel , it was later sold to the few nations which one of those is Indonesia. The version [...]

1/700 Combrig USS Maine

Built several years ago from the Combrig kit. An enjoyable and relaxing kit.

Le Terrible in 1:350.

Le Terrible was one of six destroyers of the Fantastique class. They lived up to their names, in the sense that they all had very impressive speeds and impressive armament. Le Terrible was launched in 1933 and in 1935 she set the speed [...]