8 articles
Just a reminder that the de Havilland 100th Group Build is more or less 1½ month from closing for new entries!
time to get started
as the sun is setting
so pop the lids and get a build going!
Builds that are commenced - and can [...]
I found this pre-owned kit about a year or so ago for the grand price of $7. It's the SCAT 1/72 DH112 Sea Venom dressed as Royal Australian Navy FAW Mk.53, built part of the DH-100 Group Build - thanks to Erik Gjørup (@airbum) for [...]
1/72 Tamiya, built 10-2020 to 04-2021 for the de Havilland 100 GB, more details and pic's there.
Just wanted to remind you that we have passed the half-mark for the DH100GB, and if you have a build to get started there it may be now that you want to make your initial posting on the build. Go to the groups section and find it [...]
1/72 Airfix, FB 5 kit modified, finished for the DH 100 GB more pic's and details there, painted in MM 1781 with Pledge over kit and other decals.
This is the Frog kit #F409 of the DH110 Sea Vixen FAW.2 and was built as part of de Havilland 100 Years Group Build. Thanks to Erik Gjørup (@airbum) for starting the DH GB as there are some great kits being built. The kit was initially [...]
1/72 Dragon, finished for the de Havilland 100 GB, more pic's and details there, a few moifications and additions, finished in a variety of enamels and decals with Pledge over all then with some Xtra flat mixed in.
Today, 100 years ago, de Havilland Aircraft Company Limited was formed.
To celebrate, a new Group has been formed, and if you have anything related to the company do join in. It has been decided to include the early designs of Geoffrey de [...]