The Dragon Database at iModeler

316 articles
  • Items tagged with Dragon
  • 316 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 years, 10 months ago

Dragon (also known as DML) range of scale model kits

Just to prove I do build.....

My man cave was too clean so here it is with the Dragon 1/350th Livermore kit in progress. I plan on building it as the USS Wilkes performing convoy and ASW work in the Atlantic. Also the first shelf set up with models on it, and my [...]


Here is my first submission to this site : A Dragon StuG III. I built this one completely OOTB (Out Of The Box). The decals are from various other kits. and the victory rings on the gunbarrel are hand painted. The model itself, is also [...]

Keepin it movin!

I think I'm having too much fun with the camera! 1/35 M2A1 Dragon Smartkit

1/35 us halftrack m2a1 dragon smartkit

great kit. lotta fun.

P-40s of the 49th Fighter Group – Part 1 (Early Days)

Today’s Air Force has decided to emphasize its history as a means of unit inspiration. This has resulted in units with real “history” as the service decides which unit designations will continue in active service, so that one finds [...]

Guadalcanal Marine 75mm Pack Howitzer, @ October 1942

The Howitzer is the excellent Vision Models injected kit, the figures are conversions of Dragon Guadalcanal Marines, with some Tamiya mortar crew parts. The sandbags are from Italeri, with epoxy putty blending. Painting is with acrylics, [...]

“Berlin, April 1945″

Here's my small dio/vignette featuring Tamiya's JSU-152. It's intended to depict the Soviets advancing through Berlin in early April 1945, right before the end of the war. The JSU-152 was built OOB. It's a wonderful kit that goes together [...]

1/48th Dragon Ho-229B Nachtjager

I enjoy building WWII Luftwaffe night fighters. When I saw this kit I jumped at it. I loved the idea of the flying wing night fighter with Hs298 air-to-air missles. This was my second Dragon kit and it followed the same build pattern [...]

CyberHobby/Dragon 1/32 Bf109E-4B

Here is my rendition of Leutnant Heindel's Messerschmitt Bf109E-4B of Stab II/Jadgeschwader 54 based in Arad, Romania during March 1941. The 1/32 CyberHobby kit was built out of the box, and I added the aerial and used the excellent Hussar [...]


An old project from the past. This is 1/48 Dragon Junkers Ju-88 A4 with the markings of Stab II /KG 77 in Sicily-Gerbini airfield during 1942. Though it has usual 70/71 camouflage ,it is filled also with RLM 76 and 79 stains on the upper [...]