The F-104C Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with F-104C
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 3 months ago

Hasegawa 1/32 F-104C Starfighter

Hi everyone! This is my Hasegawa 1/32 F-104C Starfighter, #60886 "Fannie", as she (more or less...) stood in Vietnam, 1965.The story of the Starfighter is well known: created as a day fighter by Lockheed as one of the Century [...]

1/48th F-104C

Here are a hand full of photos of my Hasegawa, 1/48th scale F-104C. It depicts FG-891 of the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing. Because of it's colorful scheme, this Starfighter is probably one of the most photographed airframes. What can I [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F-104C Starfighter "Snoopy Sniper" 1966

The 1/48 Hasegawa 1/48 F-104C is finished. It was detailed with the Eduard photo etch set. For the scheme I am built it as a Viet Nam aircraft. The Caracal decals set (#CD48102) was used to complete the scheme with the tri-camouflage [...]