The F-94 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with F-94
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 3 months ago

Lockheed F-94C StarfireKitty Hawk 1/48

Fresh off of both the Shelf of Doom and the workbench this week is a seldom seen kit, that is the Kitty Hawk 1/48 F-94C Starfire. I got this kit when Kitty Hawk was still in business, so it was purchased for a reasonable price. Beware of [...]

UFO's--Serious Business!

At least they were to a young modeler in 1958. The Lindberg "Flying Saucer" was a big deal to me and was my first model I was allowed to build all by myself. Like many kids of the 1950's, I was a big fan of space [...]

Finished The 48th Scale Kitty Hawk F-94C Starfire at Last.

I really like aircraft from this era. This Kitty Hawk kit was fun to build for the most part. The cockpit comes with some PE parts which dress up the office nicely. I found the fit to be generally good, with the exception of the canopy, [...]