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IT Lahtinen
16 articles

Mi-2, The Suspicious Ambulance Helicopter (Smer 1/48)

October 4, 2016 · in Aviation · · 12 · 2.7K

Quite normal-looking old Russian helicopter is landing to the edge of the field. Only a bit bad red cross painting might get some more attention. Pilot is leaving the place in a black van. If you're brave enough you can take a look into the beater. OMG - the Mi-2 is full of bombs & rockets, dubious magazines, maps, plans … Something fishy is going on here now. Better leave the premises, maybe make a note to the local police - if it is not too late … (to be continued and Steven Segal will do the rest of the job).

Mi-2, snap-it/kliklak kit

This kit was a souvenir gift to my son from a model expo. Easy & fun to build with him. Toy looking flying thing to play with LEGO bandits & police vehicles.

After a couple of play days when bandits & cops moved to space shuttle and volcano environments, I got an idea to paint this Mi-2 to a bit more realistic (?). Let's do a fake ambulance copter to LEGO bandits.

Unbuild it quickly. ”Painted” it first with yellow cap Tamiya Lacquer Thinner, while the plastic was quite greasy type. Noticed that all windows were quite big & clear so ”Diorama_In_A_Model”(pat.pending) came to my mind. Normally you put the model into diorama, but this was not the normal case so I put the dio into the model.

Bombs, rockets & other garbage into the cabin just to make model a bit more interesting (maybe) and test if anybody will notice that. Explosives from some spare Hasegawa weapons set and photo printed some documents to cabin floor & chair. Detailed instrument panel painting practice and I was ready to attach fuselage halves.

While windows were quite deep in the fuselage they were easy to mask with a blue tack. After the base coat I rolled some rivets to here and there to make final dark wash a bit more visible/cool. Heli toy moved a differential amount to more realistic direction. My son asked how this helicopter looks so old now …

So that was my makeover from a toy to an old-toy.

Have a good day and good night!

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6  Awesome

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12 responses

  1. IT, thanks for letting us know about this one, I had no idea there was one in 48th. Other than Hind and the Crocidile, no other 48th Russian helicopters that I know of. Great use of the imagination, porn and explosives, whatta combination!

  2. Good model! Playboy certainly funny, but not very topic )))

  3. Love that headline photo...nice job all-around, sir.

  4. Very entertaining, that ace of spades looks familiar.

    • Thank you mr. Robert. You’re poker player or a US Marine friend?
      My believe is that those bandits made this ace of spade decal to camouflage something - hard to believe VMA-231 has anything to do with this helicopter. They do not steal russian helicopters. I think these stealing bandits are from Bulvania or near there.

  5. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    This is certainly a very good use of the human imagination, I enjoyed reading your story and keep on smiling. A very good change of things. Nice looking model.

  6. Gentlemen, thank you for your interactivity. And thank you for smiling and hopefully laughing - that feels good. 🙂

  7. Thank you P.k - your feedback is happily registered.

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