The F4U Database at iModeler

243 articles
  • Items tagged with F4U
  • 243 articles
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  • Last addition 10 months, 1 week ago

Chance Vought F4U Corsair

Trumpeter Vought F4U-1D Corsair 1/32

Hello everyone. I'm back after a while for this new model. Again it is a Corsair but with markings and paint used by the British in the Pacific theater. The original kit is from Trumpeter which comes with good details and gave almost no [...]

Korean War F4U-4 Corsair Hasegawa Old Mould 1/48

A gift from a friend,the good old Hasegawa (Mania?) mould,finally finished after being retrieved from the 'as is' piles...

Tamiya F4U-1A Corsair BuNo 17833 Maj Marion Carl

Here is my completed entry for the Jim Sullivan Memorial Build. Fittingly it is a Corsair of the VMF-223 stationed in Torokina, Bougainville, in December of 1943 Decals are from Fundekals and the main wheels are from True Details. I [...]

Yet Another Corsair

First I did “I like jugs.” Then I created “Spitfirepalooza.” Now I’m on the edge of being obsessed with Corsairs and having to create a name for said obsession. Here’s my third Corsair of the year, the Tamiya 1/72 F4U-1D. [...]

Interesting national insignia on Marine Corsairs

So as I work on my Richard Petty '73 Charger (more on that later!) I am researching my next build, Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1A Corsair. I figured I'd do a Marine bird, so I started looking at pictures and stumbled across some birds with no [...]

Tamiya Corsair

Continuing with my recent Corsair kick, here’s my Tamiya 1/72 F4U-1. I used EagleCals decals for New Zealand 21 Squadron markings and Quinta Studio 3D decals for the interior. The 3D decals were pretty impressive. They really add a lot [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Corsair

The Tamiya F4U-1D out of the box, which is precisely what I needed after the long slog through the Trumpeter Su-25. It's perfect. Follow the directions and use the time to hone your painting skills. Tom Cleaver's "Corsair 101" [...]

Matchbox Replacements: 1/72 Curtiss SB2C-4E Helldiver & Vought F4U-1D Corsair

These two new completions - an AMT SB2C-4 Helldiver and a Hasegawa F4U-4 Corsair - will be significant upgrades from the Matchbox models they replace in the display cabinet. The AMT Helldiver kit is actually older than the Matchbox - it [...]

1/48th Tamiya F4U-1D as Vought XF4U-3B

Here's my latest model completion. It's the 1/48th Tamiya F4U-1D kit converted to an XF4U-3B. That version was an attempt by Vought to boost the Corsair's top speed by way of a supercharged engine. The plane never went into production as [...]

1/48th Monogram/Hasegawa F4U-5 Corsair

From time to time, when a picture grabs my attention, I often consider attempting to model it. This was the case with the F4U-5 that I wanted to replicate. The Monogram version of the Hasegawa F4U-5 kit was good to work with for the most [...]