The Grumman Database at iModeler

81 articles
  • Items tagged with Grumman
  • 81 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 9 months ago

Arghhhhh thar be Bones a comin’ fer ya

I first encountered the F-14 Tomcat in The Mediterranean as an Airman Apprentice assigned to the Line Division of "Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron One Hundred Twenty Four" VAW-124 the world famous "Bear Aces". [...]

TBM Avengers Charly Heavy

TBM- Avengers "Charly Heavy" - Trumpeter 1/32: Civilized version of the Grumman TBM Avengers named "Charly Heavy" from the name of its last owner. This aircraft is currently operational and is registered in Switzerland [...]

1/48 Hobby Boss FM-1 WILDCAT

Hello everyone, This is my second completed kit of the year so I've matched last year's total already. Quite fancied a Wildcat in my collection but wanted to do the Atlantic scheme which is why I chose the Hobby Boss kit over the Tamiya. I [...]

Wildcat – The unsung hero of the Pacific Theater of Operations

Those aircraft and crew changed the history in Midway! Outperformed by the Japanese Zero, this aircraft with it ruggedness ally with bravery and tactics achieved the air combat kill-to-loss ratio of about 6:1! This is an Hobby Boss model [...]

TBF-1 Avenger Battle of Midway Diorama (1/48 Accurate Miniatures)

New Member and first post. I got the inspiration to do this diorama from the Osprey Combat Aircraft #16 TBF/TBM Avenger Units of World War 2 by Barrett Tillman. I based my model on the after-action report. Not only did I try to recreate [...]

Eduard’s 1/48 Hellcat Mk.II

Hi everybody, first post here with Eduard’s hellcat in 1/48. Improvements were made to the rear landing leg, the machine gun barrels (hypodermic needle), the rocket cables and the exhaust. I also widened the wheels with plastic sheet as [...]

Tamiya 1/48 F-14A VF-41 "Fast Eagle 102"

Tamiya awesome 48 scale kit with Quickboost seats, Wheeliant wheels and Eduard RBF tags. Furball decals. Finished with Gunze Aqueous with an oil wash.

Top Secret for 50yrs. Royce Williams Korean War story for Panther fans..

A follow up interview to TC's story... of Williams accomplishments in the Korean War as a Navy Pilot in his Grumman Panther taking on 7 Migs and downing 4 of them. Its neat to read about William's story when it broke out and then the [...]

Eduard 1/48 F6F-5 Hellcat

An excellent model for construction, a rare Eduard model that you can say "shake and bake". I even built 1/72 Eduard Hellcat, and in this scale is also a great plastic.

Grumman EA 6B Prowler

This aircraft belonged to the VAQ 133 WIZZARDS 2007 . It's a Kinetic model. Cockpit of Aires in resin. It has been a difficult model to mount due to the large number of failures, bad connections, and a terrible instruction sheet. Attaching [...]