The Halifax Database at iModeler

11 articles
  • Items tagged with Halifax
  • 11 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Short Sunderland 111 Airfix 1/72

Hello all, here is my latest completed build and a few shots of my next project continuing my current interest in building vintage Airfix kits , these two are both older than me and I am 58 ! The Sunderland is a very basic kit with [...]

Review: F.M 1/48 Halifax Mk.III Review

Handley Page Halifax II

A Handley Page Halifax II, MH-Z, serial no. DT580, is being readied for another sortie during the Battle of the Ruhr. Dangers were many; the Ruhr valley was heavily defended, and it was morbidly known as “Happy Valley”. But enemy [...]

1/48 FM Handley Page Halifax Mk III

A short run kit and a difficult build, but well worth the effort.

1/48 HP Halifax BIIIFonderie Miniature

This build has been on and off (more off than on to be fair) the bench for the last 7 years! It finally crossed the finish line earlier this week and thank Christ for that! Fonderie kits have a poor reputation but when I first bought this [...]

Airfix 1/72 Halifax B.III

The Handley Page Halifax was a four-engine heavy bomber, developed under the same specification as the contemporary twin-engine Avro Manchester. Its origins can be traced in the twin-engine HP56 proposal of the late 1930s, itself being a [...]

Trenton Museum Ontario

On the way back from Ottawa we stopped in to visit the only restored Halifax in the world. An interesting museum with a lot more than I thought. (link)

Video: Bristol Hercules Engine run 25/08/2018

This is a restored Bristol Hercules Engine from a Halifax bomber. They stated before the run that they are working on restoring 3 more of these to working condition. This one engine made more noise then all 4 of the Merlins on the [...]

Matchbox 1/72 Halifax

Hi guys, another one from me. Completely rescribed, interior completely upgraded, but you can't see it from the photos, exhausts came from Revell, props are reshaped and thinned, gun barrels are Quickboost. Paints are Gunze, exhaust stains [...]

Handley Page Halifax Mk VII NA337

A few weeks ago a friend and I went to the National Air Force Museum of Canada, just outside of Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Trenton, Ontario. The big attraction is a Halifax bomber that was restored a few years ago and remains the only [...]