The Hart Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with Hart
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 10 months, 2 weeks ago

A ha'porth of tar

The title comes from the saying 'spoiling the ship for a ha'porth of tar' which sums this kit up very well. Some magnificent detail and high quality molding let down by poor attention to accuracy and what can only be described as general [...]

A Game of Two Harts

Last build of the year. SECOND attempt at AMG's Hart for which the instructions can lead you well astray! This is quite an expensive kit to have to have two attempts not being an Eduard Dual Combo. First attempt I tried to be smart and do [...]

Hawker Audax. No 4 Glider Training School 1942

My Father completed primary training in Georgia, USA. Before being posted 61 OTU Rednal and thence to 243 Squadron Spitfires he spent quite a few months of 1942 towing Hotspur gliders at the No 4 Glider Training School, Kidlington (Now [...]

AMG 1/48 Hawker Hart (Demon conversion)

Sidney Camm became Chief Designer at Hawker Aircraft Company in 1925, following his successful design of the Hawker Cygnet. Between then and his retirement from Hawker in 1965, he was responsible for the design of 52 different aircraft, of [...]

Review: Just arrived on my front porch – AMG 1/48 Hawker Hart – first impressions

The postman just delivered my kit of the AMG 1/48 Hawker Hart (which looks like it can be done as every version of this airplane except the Osprey, which had a larger vertical fin and rudder). This kit is beautiful! Fully-detailed [...]