The HK Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with HK
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Havoc! The Douglas A-20G in 1/32

The Douglas A-20 Havoc needs no introduction to WW2 aviation enthusiasts, as this versatile workhouse could be found in just about every war theater except the CBI where the NA B-25 held sway. This sturdy, fast and agile attack bomber was [...]

HK 1/32 DH Mosquito BMk XVI build Pt. 6

Now the fun part of building, the paint and decaling! I had previously blown up a set of Tamiya color plans to 1/32, and cut frisket masks for the standard Day bomber scheme of Dark green/Ocean gray over Medium sea gray. I washed the [...]

HK 1/32 DH Mosquito BMk XVI build Pt. 5

Now on to the cowls. After assembling the distinctive MkXVI lower cowls, I painted all the cowls to make life easier when applying the paint job, I wouldn't have to worry so much about masking the landing gear without tearing something [...]

HK 1/32 DH Mosquito BMk XVI build Pt. 4

So after having read the many fine articles in my references and online about how fragile and touchy the main gear assemblies were for this kit I decided to approach these parts very carefully and examine a better way to get these thingies [...]

HK 1/32 DH Mosquito BMk XVI build Pt. 3

Oh That Wing! Just a short update today. I deviated form the assembly sequence and assembled the wing before anything else, it's so big it was getting in the way. I assembled it per the instructions, by first adding all the inserts that [...]