The HMS King George V Database at iModeler

2 articles
  • Items tagged with HMS King George V
  • 2 articles
  • Not yet publicly visible (min 3 articles required)
  • Last addition 6 years, 8 months ago

The Battle of Malaya 10. December. 1941

HMS Prince of wales 1/700 Scale Manufacturer : Fly Hawk I made Diorama the last of Royal Navy battleship the Prince of Wales that sank in the Battle of Malaya. The torpedo struck Prince of Wales on the port side aft, abaft "Y" [...]

FlyHawk 1/700 HMS Prince of Wales.

Hi, I recently finished Flyhawk's POW kit, I think this kit is the best POW kit in the market. Putting the kit together was very enjoyable for me, although there were hundreds of microscopic components. I also uploaded POW step by step [...]