The JG 26 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with JG 26
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 months ago

Review: Wingsy 1/48 Bf-109E-4: Dolfo Galland's pesonal ride.

Since the development history of the Bf-109E series is well-known and available here with other reviews, this will focus on Adolf Galland's role in the development of different camouflage and markings during the Battle of Britain that [...]


The Airplane: The Fw-190A series was so right in design that - once the problem of providing adequate cooling for the BMW 801 radial engine was solved - the airframe went through little modification other than minor changes associated with [...]

Wingsy Bf.109 E-1“The Bull and the Mouse”

By the end of this year’s summer I got my eagerly awaited Wingsy bf.109 E-1 thanks to the help of my friend and fellow iModeler Erik Gjørup (@airbum). I immediately challenged him to for a dual build journal since he too wanted to get [...]