The Ki-61 Database at iModeler

37 articles
  • Items tagged with Ki-61
  • 37 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 11 years, 1 month ago

The Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien

Otaki 1/48 (Ki-61) “Hieney Racer”

I always thought the Ki-61 was one of Japan's sleekest looking WWII fighters. German desigined and Daimler-Benz powered, it was built by Kawasaki, and named the "Hien". The cost of an Otaki kit was reasonable enough that I [...]

And now for something a little different…

And I do mean little! A friend in Japan sent me these a few years ago. They are Bandai kits in 1/100 scale, and yes, I had to assemble them, though they did come prepainted. I can't even begin to imagine the power of the magnifier the [...]

Hasegawa Ki-61 Hein “Tony”, 1/48th, IJAF,WWII,Part II

This is the follow up to part I. These are new images that I had to take as I have not been able to find the original set taken on an SD card I had stored while moving to our new home. Should've left it in the camera. So with the new [...]

Hasegawa 1/48th Kawasaki Ki-61 Hein Tony IJAF,PTO,WWII, Part 1 WIP

Due to an unplanned move I have been away from y'all for way to long. Missed quite a few builds along the way. But now that things are slowly getting back to a routine. The workshop is still being set up so I can get back to building [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 Ki. 61-I hei

To my mind, the Ki.61 is the best-looking Japanese fighter of World War II. This is the Hasegawa kit, built OOB other than use of Lifelike Decals. The Ki. 61 was one of the few Japanese fighters that could even get to the altitude the [...]

Keepin' it Hien...

Hey there's a theme here somewhere's. Here's my 1/32 Hasegawa Hien, in the colors of 18 Sentai, on home defense. Some pretty tailfeathers I think. All markings are sprayed on 'cept numbers and letters and the kill eagles. Base is my usual [...]

1/48 Ki-61 Hein by Hasegawa

Here is an older build of Japan's only in-line engine powered fighter, commonly called Tony. This is in a New Guinea scheme, which began as natural metal, but was quickly over sprayed. I think the Japanese had a strange sense of humor [...]