The M24 Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with M24
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 3 months ago

M-24 Chaffee "Rita Hayworth" MTO Italeri 1/35

Old Italeri mould,built for a friend.Hope you like it.Tks for visiting!

Norwegian Army NM-116 BAttle Tank: Highly Upgraded & Modified M24

1/35 AFV NM116 Norwegian Battle Tank. This tank is essentially the venerable Korean war M24 Chaffee which were provided to the Norwegian army. They then greatly updated and modified it to meet their needs renaming it the NM116. I saw [...]

M24 CHAFFEE – AFV – 1/35

Hello all; First post here; This is my last build. it is a direct mounting out of box of the excellent scale model AFV 1/35e. there was no problem of construction, a photo -etched board is present in the box, as well as the aluminum [...]

Italeri 1/35 M-24 Chaffee (Backdated)

Had this kit laying in the stash for quite a while. Saw the movie "Bridge at Remagen" and got inspired to build it. Funny, two months after I built this, Bronco announces it is releasing an early version Chaffee. The Italeri [...]

1/35 M24 Chaffee

This little scene portrays a Chaffee with its crew scouting for enemy activity on the outskirts of a German town during the late winter of 1945. The kit used is the newish Bronco offering built largely out of the box. As is typical for [...]