The Masterbox Database at iModeler

16 articles
  • Items tagged with Masterbox
  • 16 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 years, 11 months ago

Masterbox model kits

Elco 80 – Part 2

At the end of last month I posted photos of Italeri's 1/35 PT 596 on its display stand, to show all the detail, as the drift of the project was to add crew and to place it in a dynamic seascape, and some of the detail would be lost to view [...]

Casualty Evacuation

My last post was a Tamiya French Armoured carrier UE done in German markings, and again ive converted a 2nd one into captured German markings for a field ambulance. Its a great simple wee kit that is very versatile. The figures are a mix [...]

All or Nothing

The Battle of Chancellorsville, April 27-May 6,1863. On the morning of (May) 2nd (the Eighth) re-joined the brigade, and with the Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry was formed in an open field in rear of General Sickle's line of battle. [...]

1/72 Masterbox, MK I "Female" British Tank, Somme Battle period, 1916

1/72 Masterbox, MK I "Female" British Tank, Somme Battle period, 1916

Matilda Swann – Steam Wars

This is a Steampunk conversion of two 1/35 injection kits. As a 'named' subject, it may well belong in the 'Figures' category, or, 'Armor', given that the original vehicle is a military model, but I've included it here in 'Sci-Fi' instead, [...]

Mark I "Male"

In August 2014 the world will mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War. The war reached out and touched almost everyone’s life in some way or other. Also, this war was the first where tanks were introduced on the [...]