The Mavis Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with Mavis
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 9 months, 3 weeks ago

We're Not Worthy!! (Again)Bill Bosworth's 1/48 scale scratchbuilt H6K "Mavis"

I hear stamp collecting and knitting are hobbies that lots of people enjoy... The latest from Bill Bosworth: 1/48 scale scratchbuilt vacuform Kawasaki H6K Ocean Reconnaissance Seaplane (Allied code name Mavis) The wingspan is 32 inches.

Hasegawa 1/72 Kawanishi H6K5 "Mavis"

Hi everyone! Here is my 1/72 Kawanishi H6K5 "Mavis" flying boat, done about ten years ago. The Kawanishi H6K was an Imperial Japanese Navy flying boat produced by the Kawanishi Aircraft Company and used during World War II for [...]

Trumpeter 1/144 H6K5 "Mavis"

From the Water Wings Group Build. Nicely fitting kit, well, for the most part, but quite a few inaccuracies, that manages somehow to be both ugly and elegant.

So you like 1/72 Japanese ‘eh ? Try my Mavis.

This is the old Hasegawa kit I did a few years ago. Still looks sharp. I think I might try to set up another shoot with the new Canon.