The MB-326 Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with MB-326
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 9 months, 3 weeks ago

1/48 SAAF Impala MK II

Here's my build of the ESCI 1/48 Aermacchi MB-326K Impala in early SAAF colors. Really nice kit with fine recessed panel lines and a good fit. The only after market added is the Neomega resin cockpit and Wolfpack MB MK6 ejection seat as [...]

Italeri 1/48 Aermacchi MB-326 ( Brazilian Air Force AT-26 Xavante)

Hello! This is the Aermacchi MB-326, a reboxed kit released by Italeri , which has been around for quite sometime now. Not a very detailed or free of issues one, but since we have no other choices... Cockpit, seats and wheel bay areas [...]

ESCI 1/48 Atlas Impala Mk.1

The Aermacchi MB-326 was a low-wing monoplane with an all-metal structure composed of light alloys. As originally developed, the MB-326 functioned as a refined but simple aircraft capable of covering the considerably wide range of [...]

Atlas Impala Mk 2 of the South African Air Force (Italeri 48th scale)

This was the first of my SAAF builds and I was very happy with the result. It's pretty much OOB, apart from a after market ejection seat. South Africa obtained a license to produce the MB-326M (similar to the 'G' model), as the Impala Mk [...]