The MiG-3 Database at iModeler

16 articles
  • Items tagged with MiG-3
  • 16 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 2 months ago

WWII Soviet airplane – 1/48

Hello again, these are two Soviet World War II aircraft kits in 1:48 scale. The mig 3 is a trumpeter kit, the Yak 3 is a Svezda kit. I must say that there is no comparison in quality. Trumpeter beats Svezda 2-0. The Mig is with a [...]

"Winter is coming"-AM 1/48 Yak-1 & ICM 1/48 MiG-3

Here are some of my latest finished works. I won´t do this winter camouflage schemes for a some time. Thank you for watching.

Trumpeter Mig 3 1/48 wood and metal

The Soviet aircraft of World War II were often designed with a plywood part. For example the mig 3 and the Yaks 3. This is a mig 3 with highlighted parts in wood and metal. wood is obtained with Uschi decals. Really unpleasant that, in [...]

Trumpeter 1/48 MiG-3 (early)

Couldn't find a lot about this aircraft other than what is on (link) There is also a photo of the aircraft here. The fit of the kit was pretty good with the exception of the cowl panels which needed a lot of brute force. Trumpeter erred in [...]

MIG 3 Trumpeter 1/48

MiG-3 in winter colours

This is my attempt to build nice looking model from HobbyBoss Easy Assemble kit (1/72 scale - HB has EA kits in 48 too). On the other hand this is probably the best MiG-3 kit in this scale and also I've wanted to play with the imitation of [...]