The N1K Database at iModeler

11 articles
  • Items tagged with N1K
  • 11 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Shiden Kai Kawanishi N1KA Weathered Warrior in 1/24 Scale

Here's my latest build of the Ban Dai 1/24 Shiden Kai, Kawanishi N1K from a 199X kit. Inspired by the Inca 2.0 concept for the painting, I wanted to try something different from the usual chipped paint often seen on late WWII Japanese [...]

"George" is the name of my New Year's baby 2023: Kawanishi N1K1-J Shiden /"George"

The fingers of one hand are enough to list the representatives of an extremely rare group of aircraft: those that have been converted from a seaplane to a land plane! If one narrows this group even further to those constructions that have [...]

Tamiya N1K1 Kyofu / 'Rex', 'Japan's Purpose-Built Floatplane Fighter'

I've built a lot of clean models this year, and what better excuse to make a beaten up bird than a Japanese subject? I ordered this while waiting for some supplies for other projects to arrive and have had fun beating up this big 1/48 [...]

1/48 Hasegawa N1K2 Shiden-Kai Prototype Number 3

Here is the old 1/48 Hasegawa N1K2 Violet Lightning-Improved (Increased) straight out of the box. Made the tail decals for prototype #3 in Illustrator and, for some reason thought the 3rd prototype was the first with the larger but thicker [...]

Building the Platz 1/144th N1K2-J Shinden-Kai “Early Version”

Every once in a while I stray from my "keep it simple" path and travel down the less-traveled road. Bear in mind that I have reached an age where I got rid of most of my 1/72d scale kits because I could neither see or accurately [...]

1/48 Hasegawa N1K2-J

Model represents an aircraft from 407 Hikotai,343 Kokutai, Matasuyama 1945. Upgrades include SBS cockpit, Master gun barrels and Aeromaster decals. The engine cowling gills were thinned and moved to an open position with scratch actuator [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 "Captured" Kawanishi N1K2-J

This was is a great build for an old kit. No filler used at all, even the pesky fuselage/wing join. I used Rising Decals "Dying Sun Pt.III and they worked great. For chipping I first laid down some Tamiya Flat Aluminum and the painted [...]

1/72 Tamiya N1K1-Ja Kawanishi Shiden

Just finished this one up today. It is painted with Tamiya acrylics and weathered a bit with silver pencil, oils and pastels. It is pretty much OOB. I drilled out the gun barrels and added an antenna wire from Uschi super fine rigging [...]

Hasegawa 1:32 Kawanishi N1K2 Shiden “George”

Hello, It has been a while since my last post, almost one and a half year. I had a very rough time the last 1,5 years... in a nut-shell; burn-out, divorce, got sacked after 17 years... but I'm doing very fine right now. Well this is my [...]

1/48th Tamiya Kawanishi Shiden N1K1 “George” PTO WWII

An excellent fighter in the hands of a skilled pilot. A design that has it's origin from the Kyofu seaplane. Kawanishi saw the potential in it's performance on paper and with that and without the authorization of the Navy decided to [...]