The NMF Database at iModeler

6 articles
  • Items tagged with NMF
  • 6 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 9 months, 3 weeks ago

First Attempt at a NMF and First P-51 (WIP)

Hey everyone. If you've read my "Why I Hate Building Airplanes" post (below), you know I have a love hate relationship with modeling aircraft. However, in an attempt to keep my challenge going after the FW190 and Corsair, I [...]

1/48 RNLAF T-33A (GWH4819)

Hi all, Here’s my rendition of a T-33A of the Royal Netherlands Airforce (RNLAF). First a bit of history of the T-bird in Dutch service … The T-33s became operational as from in 1953 with RNLAF mainly for flight training. The aircraft [...]

Mystery Bird…1/48 Curtiss P-40N Warhawk, USAAF

Built over 6 years ago, Hasegawa kit Limited Edition, built oob except seatbelts, antenna wire and brake lines added. The model was painted with MM Metalizer Aluminium (1418). The orange-black nose trim is painted, kit decals used for the [...]

F8F-1B Bearcat, VNAF 1st FS 1963

When I bought this kit, I was really dissapointed. Really poor in everything. I was almost convinced to put it into trash bin. But then I saw some works of one guy, who built really old fashioned and really really poor kits so nicely that [...]

Dassault Mirage IIIC from Eduard 1/48 Scale Kit

Christmas break build here - an Eduard weekend edition (lol, took much longer than that!) Mirage IIIC kit with the very eye-catching early Armee de l'Air scheme. Had some serious fit issues requiring a lot of filler, sanding and fuselage [...]

My First…..or… How to Quit Worrying and Love the Foil

Ok gang this is the aircraft I lost my Foil Virginity too ! A 21st Century Toy P-47 that I sanded the markings off except the black area. I had STARED at my adhesive bottle for a couple of YEARS and I wanted to build a 1/32 Trumpeter [...]