The Stratoliner Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Stratoliner
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 6 months, 1 week ago

1/144 Boeing 307 Stratoliner.

This is the Roden kit which has been available for a few years. I’ve always wanted one of these in this scale and bought it when it was a brand new release. Unfortunately, the decals were useless as always with Roden products. Vintage [...]

Maquette 1/72 Boeing C-75

The Boeing C-75 was a modified Boeing 307 long-range transport aircraft, introduced to military service in February 1942 and used by the USAAF's Air Transport Command until July 1944. The famous 307 Stratoliner, from which the C-75 [...]

The B-17 civil sister: Boeing 307 Stratoliner

In the first post-war decades, the name Boeing was to become synonymous with the rapidly developing cosmos of civil passenger aviation. Epoch-making designs such as the Boeing 707 revolutionised both the market and aviation technology. At [...]