The StuG III Database at iModeler

9 articles
  • Items tagged with StuG III
  • 9 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 8 months ago

Dragon 1/35 StuG.III variants

Long gone the days when I was able to purchase online Dragon Smart kits for $20 (shipping included.) Nonetheless, I was well aware of the opportunity at that time. One of the outcomes is presented here. Three StuG III variants that are [...]

Battle for France, 1/35 Dragon StuG III Ausf A

This is Dragon's StuG III Ausf A in 1/35, finished as a participant in the Blitzkrieg across France. Quite nice older kit, with some detail enhancements such as tow cables from fine solder, chains, and smoke dischargers [...]

Plastic Soldier StuG III Ausf. G Assault Guns

Over the last few years there have been several armor kits released which are specifically aimed at the wargame community. Plastic Soldier, Armorfast, and Italeri have all issued kits, usually multiple vehicles in the same boxing. The [...]

German Sturmgeschutz III Aust. F

This is part of a diorama I have planned but it is a long way away. Happy with the model but 1/72 scale is a bit on the small size for me.


My latest build is the Stug III O-series from MiniArt. As I understand it the O-series was a prototyping series for the Stug III and was only used in research and development, and later for training. So, these tanks were probably never [...]

Sturmgeschütz III Ausf B Tank Tamiya 1/35

Finally a new model finished, German Sturmgeschutz III Ausf B (Stug III) Tank Tamiya 1/35; enjoy the pictures. Por fin nuevo modelo terminado; el Sturmgeschutz III Ausf B (Stug III) Tank Tamiya 1/35; disfruten las fotos.

Tamiya Stug III 1:35

I finally finished up a kit that I've had in process for a while. It's a nice classic Tamiya kit I dressed up with some Eduard PE and storage on the rear deck. I had a lot of fun adding the adding wear and tear and chipping on this one. [...]

Dragon Stug 3 g 1/35

Another build from last summer Dragons awesome kit with voyager pe set painted with Vallejo acrylics .


Here is my first submission to this site : A Dragon StuG III. I built this one completely OOTB (Out Of The Box). The decals are from various other kits. and the victory rings on the gunbarrel are hand painted. The model itself, is also [...]