The Tamiya Database at iModeler

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  • Last addition 11 years, 3 months ago

Tamiya scale model kits

1/48 Tamiya P-47 D30 "TuAF Thunderbolt"

Here is my recently (and freshly) finished model. This is 1/48 Tamiya P-47 D30 Thunderbolt with the markings of Turkish Air Force (TuAF). The base kit is Tamiya’s P-47 M . It is built OOB except for Eduard seat belts, instrument panel [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 A-7E Corsair II

Here is my Hasegawa 1/48 A-7E 'Valions' . I had started this one back in '06 or '07 and when I got to the LE flaps I sort of ran out of steam with it so it sat on the shelf of doom until last year when I finally dusted it off and decided [...]

Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1A Corsair – Ike Kepford

The kit itself is built OOB other than seat belts. The decals came from Cutting Edge and Aeromaster. I always find it suprising that airplanes as well-documented as VF-17's leading ace Ike Kepford's is keep turning up done wrong. [...]

Tamiya McClaren M8

Built shortly before I moved not a great kit, but fun and looks ok once done. Curbside for sure not much detail.

AFV’s 1/48 F-5E Aggressor

A truly superb kit! AFV's F-5E is a joy to build. The only real tedious part was closing up the gun bay. I just took my time and carefully glued all the doors. Fortunately they fit really well. You just have to make sure you fully remove [...]

1/48 P-51B Mustang

Continuing the iModeler Mustang theme I present my Tamiya P-51B, with a Verlinden cockpit and a set of Aeromaster decals added. This build is from the late 90s and was the first project where I used a double-action airbrush for painting [...]

North American P-51 B-10NA "Mustang" Schweizer Luftwaffe

North American P-51NA „Mustang“ North American P-51 B-10NA "Mustang"At the 1944 19.Juli the American pilot 1LT Curtis Simpson of the 4th FG of the US air force had to make an emergency landing with his "Mustang" [...]

Two famous P-51Bs – Tamiya 1/48 kit

Don Gentile's "Shangri-La" and James O. Howard's "Ding Hao." Both pretty much OOB other than p-e seatbelts and Aeromaster decals. Both done some 12 years ago. Don Gentile was perhaps one of the most controversial aces [...]

Kitten with bite...a Red Tail

Tuskegee P-51B flown by Major Charles McGee, veteran of 3 wars. Tamiya 1/48 kit, Warbird decals. Alclad finish. Poor pictures. Sorry, all I have right now.

1/48 Tamiya P-51B Mustang "Berlin Express"

Supporting force for the rescue unit. This is P-51B Mustang finished with the markings of “Berlin Express” (43-24823) which was flown by Lt. William B. Overstreet of 363rd FS (357 FG) . Cockpit floor has corrected by adding a plastic [...]