The trojan Database at iModeler

5 articles
  • Items tagged with trojan
  • 5 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 years, 4 months ago

Monogram T-28D

Well another oldie but goodie for you this evening. The Monogram 1/48ish T-28D from the mid-sixties I believe. I even built it will all of the operating features but decided to go ahead and lock down the flimsy gear with a touch of [...]

North American T-28B Trojan Kitty Hawk 1/32

VT-27, NAS Corpus Christi, Texas 1981 Construction from a box, I added some wires Marking completely sprayed, Mr.Paint colors

T-28 Trojan

This is not my build. I saw this plane in a modelshow in france. It was my favorite from the whole contest. I would like to present to you this extra ordinary build from an unknown modeller. It is a 1/32 scale T-28 Trojan. The kit is from [...]

Pilot’s Last Flight

For Christmas of 2003, I found a gentleman at a local airport who owned a T-28, one of the primary trainers my dad had flown earning his wings. I offered to pay him to take my dad up for a flight in his plane, but he agreed to do it and [...]

T-28B Trojan NavAirTraining,VT-3, Heller 1/72

This is Heller's T-28 Fennec, done as a US Navy T-28B, training aircraft. had to remove the pylon mounts under the wings and a scoop on top of the forward fuselage. The decals area mish mash of spares, replicating an A/C from VT-3. Didn't [...]