The X-1 Database at iModeler

Bell X-1 · 9 articles
  • Items tagged with X-1
  • 9 articles
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  • Last addition 6 years, 1 month ago

X-1 Machbuster – Revell 1/32

The Revell kit is listed as a Skill Level 2 with an overall length of 12-3/4", a wingspan: 10-5/8", with a total of 50 parts. The kit is molded in light gray, a big improvement over the original orange mold from years past. The [...]

Revell 1/32 Bell X-1

I think the first time I paid attention to "Developments in Aviation" was when I saw the October 1949 edition of the National Geographic show up at our house (it helped that my two teacher grandmothers had taught me to read at [...]

Glamorous Glennis in 1/72

Finally finished this one - the old Tamiya kit - and it was a pleasure to build. Fit was generally very good and the cockpit and landing gear really looked the part. I added some Brengun photo etch, some miscellaneous brass pitot booms [...]

BELL X-1 “Glamourous Glennis”

Bell X-1 - The mach buster On October 14, 1947, Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager became the first person to fly faster than the speed of sound in his Bell X-1, which he named Glamorous Glennis, in tribute to his wife. He reached a speed of [...]

Bell X 1, 46062, USAF Muroc Air Base California 1947.

1/72 Hobbycraft, almost OOB, I replaced the pitots with brass wire, finished in Floquil F110030 and MM enamels with Tamiya X22 over kit and other decals, built 2007. This aircraft named "Glamorous Glennis" flown by Captain [...]

„Two Iconics“ – F-104 Starfighter and Bell X-1 „Machbuster“

Two of my latest builds and a tribute to General Chuck Yeager, who was the first man breaking the sound barrier with his Bell X-1. The two models are from the Eduard Limited Editions, it was a great pleasure to build them, specially the [...]

Review: Eduard 1/48 Bell X-1 review

Bell X-1, 1/32 Revell

I bought this kit at a club day just as everyone was packing up ,why ?,because I didn't want to go home empty handed and instantly regretted it ,so anyway it came home with me and sat on the shelf of hasty decisions for a while while I [...]

1/48 Strombecker X-1B Restoration

It's not quite finished, but thought I would post anyway. I got this model off ebay. It was an estate sale purchase. I paid way too much for it, but I like the old dogs and it is an original Strombecker kit. It arrived in pretty bad shape. [...]