The Z-226 Database at iModeler

3 articles
  • Items tagged with Z-226
  • 3 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 12 months ago

Zlin Z-226MS OK-LMG or: what is Galland's fierce mouse doing on an entirely peaceful plane?

The Zlin 226 shown here is the second model of a parallel built "Dual Combo" kit from Eduard. For the presentation of the first model I read a little bit into the type history of this long-lived Czech classic of aviation, already [...]

How to make a cow jump or : Zlin Z-226B "OK-MPJ"

Isn't it true that in aviation the sound of some manufacturers' names triggers entire chains of associations? The images that come to mind when we think of "Heinkel", "Avro" or "Grumman" will differ in detail, [...]

Review: Just landed on my deskEduard 1/48 Trenér Limited Edition

Finally, I received my limited edition Zlin Z-226 kit, made by Eduard. I was among the very few modelers being excited about these kits. I remember the initial comments on modeling forums. Why does Eduard waste its valuable resources on a [...]