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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

Trumpeter 1/48 Spiteful.

December 31, 2013 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.9K

Well, here are the photos of my Tumpeter Spiteful. I finished it months ago, but had some life issues and have now only now posted them. I did add the air intake on the cowling, drilled out the exhaust and cannon, added a whip antenna, scribed in the missing canopy rails and fuel filler caps. Painted with acrylics and weathered very light with oils pencil and pastel. I hope you like it as much as I do.

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11 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Sorry some pics are bad it has been a while since I have posted here.

  2. Hi Geoffrey. I see from your profile that you usually build 1/72 unless something in 1/48 interests you. I guess this one did and and turned out nicely, especially with the details that you added. I have enjoyed looking at your other articles. I hope that the "life issues" are not serious and that you will have time to enjoy the hobby.

  3. These pictures are c**p guys I really need to take better ones.

  4. Geoffrey, That's a good looking spiteful-nice and clean looking. I'm working on the Trump. Seafang. Dispute all the negative reviews about shape issues, it's an excellent fitting kit with fine surface detailing.

  5. Very nice build. Interesting subject. Yes they had lost the beauty of the Spitfire by now? I recall reading this baby had some very nasty stalling characteristics.

  6. A very nice build there Geoffrey. as for the life issues we all suffer from them now or again, we just hope things are ok now.
    As for the pics, I would not worru about it, you will find a way that suitss you.

  7. Geoffrey,
    First off, I love your avatar. Great looking model you did and excellent job on his. As to the photos, don't sweat it. I have a heck of a time just getting some on to my articles. I guess we will all learn some day. Happy New Year, hope all is well.

  8. Hi Geoffrey, I think there are more than enough good photographs here to show your model to its best advantage, and, although it's lost some of the Spitfire's grace and beauty, it's certainly a good looking model.

  9. gorgeous...the bottom is amazing

  10. Nice clean build, sweet paint job.

  11. Geoffrey, so happy to see your Trumpeter Spiteful. It made me get one to try for myself, even though I had read some unfavorable reviews. You have done a great job on this very interesting and attractive aircraft. It isn't a Spitfire, but sure looks like it came from the same stable. I agree with Frank Cronin, and really like your avatar. Orange cats rule! Hope all goes well, and thanks for posting your Spiteful.

    • Hey Robert, I am glad you are building the kit. The Spitfire is my favorite aircraft and no collection would be compete without a Spiteful. Let me know if I can help with any references. Nice to see you are a fellow Californian. Orange cats do rule and lets pray for some rain!

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