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George Williams
97 articles

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-12R

September 21, 2014 · in Automotive · · 41 · 3K

This is another of Tamiya's 1/12 scale motorcycle kits, this time a road going Kawasaki. I originally set out to make only racing bikes, so this one makes a slight change. The ZX-12R was introduced in 1999 to meet the growing demand for machines capable of speeds in excess of 300 kilometres per hour. This Ninja was supposedly created in the image of a fighter plane, which, I guess, is not surprising considering the aerodynamics involved the cooperation of the Aerospace Division of Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. The power plant is a fuel injected 4-cylinder 1,199cc engine that produces 178 bhp. For details of the build please look at the work in progress in the Automotive Group

For me, Ducatis are red and Kawasakis are green, accordingly it is finished in Tamiya's Candy Lime Green spray TS-52 with an overcoat of clear TS-13, which, I hope, gives it a 'scale' glossy finish. The photographs were taken this morning in the lovely September sunshine we are enjoying at the moment.

Thanks for looking, George

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5  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

41 responses

  1. And so well done George! Just beautiful. I have got to look into these kits more closely. I think I need one on the shelf.
    Just great!
    California Steve

  2. Gorgeous bike George. I love the graphics on this one. The shape of the headlights make it look insectile or waspish.

  3. George she looks like she is doing 300 km/h standing still. :0 Awesome paint job and build on this machine. Congrats!

  4. Lovely job, George. Are the dial faces decals? They look pristine.

  5. A stunning green meanie George.
    And you are right Dukes are red but Kawa`s are definitely green.
    Wonderful build as per norm from you mate.
    Well done George.

  6. Wow! Absolutely stunning mate! This is a perfect copy of the real thing down to the smallest detail. Are you sure that's a model? I honestly would have said that was real!
    The good thing with these road bike kits is they don't have to stay road bikes. They are pretty much a blank canvas to do whatever you want with them and there are some excellent decals available on line.

  7. Another fine bike you have given us George. The paint & graphics are outstanding. In a nod to Craig I have to say if I can control my impatience Tamiya rattle can colors give me much better results than trying to spray with a gun.
    What's next?

  8. perfection as usual

  9. Thank you, Al. I've tried to use your new user group again with this one, but didn't get very much response... I painted this one mainly with Tamiya rattle cans, and, sometimes, it's the only way you can get the correct colour, Tamiya are very clever! I must finish my French tank next for the group build, but, I think there might be a Suzuki in the workshop next.

  10. A street bike that does 185+mph. well if that don't get your heart going I guess nothing
    Beautiful bike George, outstanding finish as usual.

  11. Very nice mate, well executed and a great finish.


  12. Nice clean build as always.

  13. great Ninja ! fantastic bike and fantastic model ! good job !

  14. The "Motorcycle Master" appears once again. I'd like to see how you've got them displayed (all in one place, I presume). Good work, sir.

    • Thanks, Craig. We've just bought a new display case to go in our living room for the models. They look pretty cool when they are all together. I will try to photograph them for you, but the case has a mirrored back and I'm afraid that all you will get is a reflection of me!

  15. Wow George! I thought was a 1:1 scale example from an advertisement! Nice job.

  16. George,
    You continue to hold me in awe. I am at a loss for adjectives to praise your work. Let me again just say this is masterful.

  17. I sure do like these motor-sickle models you build George, and the daylight pictures look great too.

    I believe I saw once of these once, ...I believe I did, not sure, it was definitely a blur about that shade of green though...keep up the good work!

  18. I think they make good models, too, thank you, Ralph.

  19. Outstanding, George ! Your shelves must be filling up, and each one, a work of art. Always just right !

  20. George you said its a kit in 1/12, looks like a "real" one to me 🙂
    Congratulations !

  21. Superb work, once again.

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