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Thomas Probert
59 articles

1/72nd scale Boeing 747

October 30, 2014 · in Aviation · · 20 · 6.7K

I really enjoy building models of commercial aircraft, and couldn't resist when I stumbled upon this Aircraft in Miniature (ex Transport Wings) vacform of the iconic Boeing ... in yes... you read correctly... 1/72nd scale.

The kit I chose was a -300 model, with the extended upper deck and CF6 engines. The kit provides the fuselage with an internal keel, the wings, stabilisers, engine nacelles (with intake fans and exhausts in resin) along with a white-metal undercarriage set.
All panel detail had to be scribed onto the model, and smaller details such as intakes vents, aerials, undercarriage bays and the like all had to be scratch-built.

Paints are acrylic car automotives, from Halfords for those in the UK. I had the late 1980s/early 1990's KLM blue especially mixed for this model.

Decals are provided in the kit, but DrawDecal do a comprehensive set for KLM's -200/-300/-400 fleet which gives the modeller the option to build any of their 747s - I chose a -306M Combi with rear cargo door named 'Sir Frank Whittle'.

The project took about 4 months from start to finish and fought me all the way, but it's certainly a head-turner on the model show circuit.

It's also the best 1/72nd 747 out there accuracy-wise, with the Anigrand example falling very short in numerous ways compared to this kit.

Span is just shy of 33" and length is 38" - in short, don't buy one if you live in a one bedroom apartment!


Reader reactions:
12  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

20 responses

  1. Thomas, This is the finest model of this series I have ever seen. Just beautiful!
    California Steve

    • Thanks Steve - the size of the thing certainly makes it easier to add the finer details.

      I've also got the DC-10, and plan to do the flightdeck on that build for that little extra detail. Should be fun!

  2. Truly impressive! A very good rendition of a Boeing legend. Well done indeed.

  3. Stunning Tom, a wonderful build, big as well.

  4. Nice big airplane! i like that you weathered it a bit around the tail. A lot of people are under the misconception that airliners are always sparkly and clean but any machine exposed to the elements will show signs of use, and i have seen some really dirty aircraft in my travels... anyways great job!

    • Indeed - I tend to keep my weathering light on my airliners in the smaller scales as it can easily look overdone. However, on a model as large as this there's no excuse and plenty of scope to dirty 'em up!

  5. Great looking build, just where DO you display it?

  6. your utterly amazing

  7. Outstanding build Thomas. Looks like the landing gear might have taken as long to assemble as the rest of it.

    • The tricky part was the making of the bays themselves, as the model is quite weighty. I used thick plastic card (2mm) for the basic structures, and with the fuselage gear bays made them integral to the internal keel provided in the kit. The white metal gear itself was then installed relatively easily.

  8. "Impressive" doesn't do it justice, Thomas! It's definitely got tons of "wow factor"!

  9. I can't remember the last time a civilian liner of this type was displayed. Excellent workmanship.

  10. Thanks for your kind comments chaps - you've inspired me to go and have a look at my DC-10 in the same scale now!


  11. Hard to find other superlatives as said above, it is SUPERLATIVE! Well done, nice details.perfect, i like it a lot.
    In my youth, a similar sized B-36 was hanging from the ceiling, may a solution for this one too?

  12. Wonderful Model. I love the paint and colors. Nate

  13. Stunning mate! Where do you find the room for this, as well as the B2?!

  14. How did I miss this? This is extraordinary!

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