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Scott Nelson
135 articles

British Saladin Mk.2

August 25, 2015 · in Armor · · 12 · 3.6K

This is the Dragon Black label British Armored Car Saladin Mk.2 with, seemingly, a certain fellow from a bridge too far commanding. The Saladin was a post WWII British six-wheeled armored car built by Alvis fitted with a 76mm gun. It was used by a number of countries. Some were used by Kuwaiti forces against invading Iraqis in 1990. The Australians mounted a Saladin turret on the M113 to produce the Fire Support Vehicle.

The kit went together rather quickly and overall fit was quite good. I've read that the Black Label kits have some simplified areas or omitted details. That is true in this kit as there is no detail on the hatches and the .50 cal machine gun is missing altogether. However, it will be easy to dig one up from the spares box. Obviously, I haven't got around to it yet. I broke the rear view mirrors off my kit while transporting it, so I need to add those back too. Some day...

The figure is from the WWII British/Commonwealth AFV Crew Set. I think he looks a lot like Michael Caine in the film A Bridge Too Far.

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3  Awesome

2 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Nice build, Scott...what a stark difference between the 'headline' pic and the third (last) pic, huh? That shading, detail and weathering really pop out there.

  2. Actually, I'm only picking up one photo, but nice looking build anyway.

  3. Nicely done. I'm not much of an expert on armor, but it looks realistic to me.

  4. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Very convincing model work there Scott.

  5. The new headline picture is definitely better, not that there was much wrong with the original! Nice finish on this.

  6. Nice build, Scott 🙂

  7. Smart looking build Scott, very nicely done!

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