Dragon Ta 152H-1
Subject :
Ta 152H-1, “Green 3” of JG301
I started this model (and about 10 others) about 2 years ago and finally got it finished. Finding time to build the past 2 years has been difficult to come by and thankfully my bench time recently seems to be more frequent! This model was built OOB with the additions of MDC instrument decal dials, Eduard PE seat belts and panty hose elastic nylon for the antennae wire.
I used Model Master and AeroMaster paints throughout; RLM 76 on the underside and drop tank and RLM 81/83 for the upper camo and gear doors. The Decals were pieced together from the kit and old AeroMaster extras and applied on to a gloss coat of Future Floor Wax. I used PolyScale Acrylic Flat as the final dull coat and then added some light oil staining on the fuselage and landing gear using an oil base burnt umber mix. The panel lines were highlighted with a finely sharpened 0.5mm lead drafting pencil. Chipping was done with a sliver Primsa Color pencil
For a DML kit, this went together fairly pain free and was a fun project of a truly sleek and menacing looking fighter.
Happy Modeling,
Nice lookin' build, Erich...love the paint job.
Thanks Craig
Erich, The more I look at this, the better it gets. This is excellent !
Does justice to Kurt Tank! Great work!
Thank you Terry- Kurt Tank gave us all an awesome pallet to start with for sure.
Oops, Thanks Paul
I love those Luftwaffe camos! You did it extremely well!
Thank you
Thank you- they are fun to due when the airbrush gods are smiling!
Erich, what a beauty! I've admired that since I saw one in a William Green book. Back when I had hair, and ambition.
Great job on her. Closed up the engine, huh? I'd be torn, myself.
Hair. Ambition. A good night's sleep. Pretty girls who looked back. Remembering where my house is (sigh).
Nice build, Erich.
Thanks Rob.
Thanks for the kind words- I don't remember there being an engine option in this kit...OH, Oh that could just be age!
It's GREAT !
As everyone above has stated, this is a GREAT model... I REALLY like it ! The Luftwaffe mottling camouflage is very hard to get done correctly. It looks like you have mastered the art well.
Two thumbs up ! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Louis, I wouldnt say I've mastered it-just had a good day with the airbrush That day!
Great build and paint job!
Very nice looking Ta - 152 Erich. You have accomplished a very visual impacting paint scheme. And may I add ... a very good use of the numeral "3" ...
Thanks for looking and here is to De-152 "Green 3" ; )
Great build with an outstanding paint job !
Thank you Bernd
Outstanding build! That's one subject I've always wanted to build. Hope mine looks something as good as your's does! Good show.
Glad you like it Bo-look forward to seeing your finished model.
Sharp looking build.
That's the best use I've heard of for panty hose! Lovely model by the way.