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Won-hui Lee
55 articles

1/350 CV-6 USS Enterprise 1942 Late Version

January 10, 2018 · in Ships · · 36 · 11.1K

P.E : Infini Enterprise 1942 late Detail up set & Blue color Wooden Deck
Figure : NorthstarModels USN Figures in working position 1~2, Boxing Tournament in USN Ship WWII

It took six months from July to complete.
The Infini's products were fantastic. But I made some mistakes and that leaves me frustrated.

Last shot is my Joke...

And...I made one really really terrible mistake. It can be seen if you look carefully. I'm too ashamed to say it myself.

Reader reactions:
33  Awesome

32 additional images. Click to enlarge.

36 responses

  1. OK...I give up - where's that "terrible mistake" you can't tell us about?
    I can't find any 'mistakes' in ANY of your builds. 🙁

  2. I'm with Craig ... I see NO mistakes. And I love the last shot with the humor!

    Another superb build, Won-hui Lee!

  3. Nice one. Yep, rudders would be great to have on a ship.

  4. Another beautiful model. Very nice color modulation on the hull and deck. All that work on the figures and small aircraft is spot-on as well.

  5. I got to thinking and I think it would be a fun group build to make something but leave an item out and have others find it!

  6. And I love the Phantom! Reminds me of The Final Countdown!

  7. Steer by the engines. Fantastic build!

  8. There is one mistake (which is presented to assist in the future): you have different iterations of insignia applied together incorrectly. A small glitch, but with everything else to such a high level of excellence, it stands out. Fortunately, if you google "evolution of US national insignia in World War 2" you will find numerous tutorials that will help in the future.

  9. I noticed the anchors but not the rudder! But hey, it's a beautifully made, painted, weathered and staged model with or without and I suspect that every man jack of us would love to be able to match your skill! Oh, and the photography ain't half bad either. So it's a resounding very ell done from me!

    • Thank you very much. The rudder was broken while moving for a photograph. And the anchor forgot to make it. But it's a secret. Ha ha ha ha. I will correct these mistakes and take a picture again.

  10. Again, amazing. And if Won-hui can leave off the rudder there's hope for mortals like me!

  11. It’s always the mistakes that I don’t know about that worry me. This is a great piece of work that I’ve really enjoyed looking at.

  12. Hello Won- hui Lee,
    Even without the rudder, still a master modeler achievement. I will have to look this over for several times, to get all the details.
    Great build. Regards, Dirk / The Netherlands.

  13. Nice build even without a rudder.

  14. Another beautiful ship. I wouldn’t call leaving the rudder off, merely an oversight that is easily corrected.

    I do have one question about the Air Group. You said the time frame is late 1942, which means the TBD torpedo bombers would have been replaced with TBF Avengers. If I’ve misinterpreted the time frame you have presented I apologize.

    Regardless she’s still one of the best WW2 carrier models I have seen. I would be a great display at the US Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola Florida.

  15. Very nice work.

  16. I think we are all our biggest critics! Stunning job. The effect on the hull looks like you are looking up at the ship from underneath the water.

  17. Beautiful, these figures really bring it to life and this in scale 1/25! Stunning, well done!

  18. A superb depiction of a WWII carrier. This is a miniature diorama on a ship model! What makes the scene is the boxing match on deck. I would surmise this is a first for ship modelers. Talk about "little people" for those who paint figures, these boggle the mind. Every time I think I am reaching the limits of miniature detailing, I find detailing like this. I hit a wall at 1/144th.

  19. Absolutely superb

  20. Stunning work. Can you please tell me what color did you use for the hull?

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