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1/48th Cyber Hobby Bf-110D3

November 29, 2012 · in Aviation · · 10 · 3.3K

I recieved this kit as payment for a brake job from a good friend. I built it out of the box as a review for our local club's news letter. Overall it was a blast to build, with excellent overall detail and generally good fit. It is a complicated kit though, and the directions are really not that clear, showing many steps in one picture. You also run into the problem that some of the parts are very similar but not the same and if you don't keep track of them it can lead to assembly issues. Still though, this was one of the more enjoyable builds I have had. Generally I was pleased with the overall results.

I have built the Revell-Monogram kit and enjoyed it also, so now all I am left to do is try the Eduard kit and see how it compares.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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10 responses

  1. very nice build! This is a great presentation! Nice details in the kit, but with your work in assembly, it looks fantastic!

  2. Yep...what he said. Nice job. Shame a lot of your craftsmanship is closed up inside, though.

  3. Beautiful work on this model. If you think this was "challenging" wait till you try the Eduard (if you're doing the 1/48 - they appear to have learned their lesson on the little one).

  4. Walt,
    What a nice build. Interior, no, whole thing, is terrific. Great details.

  5. Love this build.
    Beautiful job on the camo scheme and ground scene.


  6. I'm in the midst of that kit now. It is a great kit, but you'll find the Eduard is a lot more of a challenge - The dragon kit may be fiddly in places, but the parts just click together, almost like a Tamiya...The eduard is often a "fits where it happens to touch" and a lot of very indistinct locating plinths - ESPECIALLY around the cockpit. (I'm also doing their (eduard's) 110 E.
    Enjoying Both, but Dragon will get my business again...

  7. Thanks for all the kind words. I too would build another of these kits, (except I don't have one and I have promised my self to not buy anymore kits). Brett, when you put the two halves together I would be interested in knowing if you found the fuselage too wide and having to clamp it at the cockpit area to close up the gap.

    I have heard that the Eduard kit is a bit of a challenge, but I really want to build it, the engraving looks beautiful, I think it offers the most finesse on the external panels and fittings of all three...Revell/Monogram, Cyber-Hobby, and Eduard. I have two kits on the to finish shelf, then a B-25 on the to do stack...maybe after that I will do the Eduard Bf-110.

    Thanks again.

    • as a matter of fact... I had no real problems around the fit of the cockpit. Yes, there is a (very) small gap between the fuselage and the cockpit walls, BUt that will largely be hidden when you mount the canopy.
      The top seam infornt of the windscreen is a very small contact are and I cracked it open at least once until I decided to add a couple of small reinforcing strips underneath the join.(Behind the gunbay).
      HTH Brett

      • I am glad you didn't have issues. I found my canopy was much narrower than fuselage unless I clamped it to braces in the middle of the cockpit to hold the fuselage together. I hope you post pictures when yours is done. I am a big fan of the Bf 110.

  8. God that's a beautiful job, I have the Revell kit in my stash but the camo patterns for German AC intiminates me, so it continues to sit on the shelf.

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