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Bill Bailey
2 articles

A Sewart Seacraft 50′ Crewboat

November 30, 2012 · in Uncategorized · · 9 · 3K

Back in the last century I worked on boats exactly like this in the Gulf of Mexico.
For years I've wanted to convert the Swift Boat back into what it came from - a Sewart Seacraft 50' crewboat, I finally did.
The conversion entailed removal of all military hardware like gun mounts and ammo bins, then I could get started on the additions ;
01 - A new roof for the cabin and wheel house were made from sheet plastic.
02 - New radar mount, horns, search light and all new running and mast lights.
03 - Scratch built a representative interior for both cabin & wheelhouse.
04 - Scratch built a new aft steering station (decking/station mount/wheel/throttles) on top of the cabin roof.
05 - Made new hand rails for the house and made new top rails for the aft deck railings.
06 - Removed the original engine exhausts and replaced them with brass tubing.
07 - New engine hatch covers made of "diamond plate" sheet plastic.
08 - New lazarette hatch cover & fuel tank caps.
09 - Wood strip cargo deck boards.
10 - Side fenders are nose wheel tires from the AMT F7F Tigercat strung on beading wire.
11 - Stern fenders are 2 main gear tires from the AMT F7F.

All in all a fun project that made me think about ways to overcome the problems and brought back a lot of old memories.
Hope you like it.

Reader reactions:

3 additional images. Click to enlarge.

9 responses

  1. Well...I dunno what it was Monogram Swift boat was "supposed" to look like, But whatever ya dun, ya dun gud. Nice-lookin' job, Bill.

  2. Thanks.
    Google either PCF or Swift Boat, it was a PCF Mk.I to start with.
    There's a ton of photos, but I could only find 1 small photo of the kit box.

  3. Here's an unmodified(?) one for comparison:

    Nice work, Bill.

  4. Thanks Martin and Thanks for the link to the stock model for comparison.

  5. Nice. Very nice.

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