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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

WNW 1/32 Junkers J.I

November 27, 2012 · in Aviation · · 4 · 1.4K

I had finally concluded no one would ever do this airplane in a mainstream injection-molded kit, but then WNW came along and made it one of their first releases. There is a problem with the ailerons having a gap at the inboard end. The expensive solution is buying one of the resin "corrected aileron" sets, the easy solution is to trim the "elephant ear" at the other end to close the gap. Trust me, no one who ever sees it will tell you "that elephant ear is wrong." It's surprising how sturdy the model is, but those struts really work.

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4 responses

  1. Looks great - gotta love WNW. Those are some kits, huh ?

  2. They are indeed. WNW kits will make the average modeler look advanced and the advanced modeler look like a master.

  3. OK, so for one that never owned or built a WNW kit, what is so special about them? Using, say, Tamiya as a reference frame 🙂

  4. Interesting subject matter that hasn't been "done to death." Great production design (like modern Tamiya) that makes it hard to "screw the pooch" in assembly. They're kits that invite a modeler to have a good time, knowing he or she will have a result others will be impressed by.

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