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Merrill Anderson
19 articles

Roden 1/48 SE5a, (Mick Mannock)

December 20, 2012 · in Aviation · · 5 · 3.5K

This is another old build. It's the SE, the Part PE set was not available when I started the kit, so I scratched some detail, and used the limited old set for the / kit. The one up to date PE section was the prepainted instruments set, which livened the 'office' quite a bit. The other 'extra' bit was, I gouged out the pulley inspection 'windows' and inserted some thread and a bit of sprue for the pulley and control line, and covered them with cello cut from the parts bag. Markings are for Mick Mannock, the top RFC/RAF ace.

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5 responses

  1. Given I have slogged my way though this kit, I know what it took to get to this final result, which is really really excellent.

  2. I've built two of these, Merrill, and I can certainly appreciate what it took to build this model- nice choice with Mannock as well. Splendid outcome- your alignment looks perfect and your color choices inside and out really become the type.

    • The cabane struts on that kit are really nasty, they need better mountings, for more positive placement. Alignment was a headache, but I was happy with the final product. I have both the WNW and Roden Hisso '5's', we'll see if I can improve on this one, working in the larger scale.

      • I remember that and had to thin the pegs for the cabane struts considerably in all dimensions. The lower wing-to-fuselage fit on their Fok. D.VII's was even more fun! As you say, I was also happy with the final product- it just a bit of judicious bashing to get there.

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