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Tom Cleaver
937 articles

1/32 Hasegawa F4B-4

January 14, 2013 · in Aviation · · 11 · 2.4K

Further proof of how good the "Between the wars" kits are. The raised panel detail on this kit is dead-on, comparing it with the 1:1 P-12E (painted as an -3) at Chino. My old friend the late Dick Best (the man who sank the Akagi at Midway) said that the F4B-4 was the "most fun" airplane he ever flew, that it would do a coordinated turn with the pilot's hands off the controls if he stuck his arm out of the cockpit in the direction he wanted to turn.

Yellow Wings decals to do the Fourth Section Leader of VF-6 aboard Saratoga in 1932. I put a 21st Century Toys pilot in the cockpit, one of the few times I have put a pilot in a model - it covered the lack of detail and looks good.

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11 responses

  1. Always liked this machine - a typical representative of the 30th. Someday I will do this (as found on sale;)).
    Great model, Tom! The pilot in the cockpit only adorns her.

  2. Aha...that explains the pilot (don't see that from you much) - and yes, he does look good. Nice pics. Now I'll display my ignorance of that era...what was in the bulbous hump beneath the fuselage?

  3. Great. Here's a ten.

  4. Great looking build, Tom! Very nice.

  5. Very, very nice Tom. That's a beautiful bird you've got there. It made me think of these, have you seen these turnbuckles yet?


  6. Looks great! Felix is a favorite of mine. Gotta get going on my P-12

    • Do beware that the kit is a F4B - has the Navy navigation lights and tailwheel, both of which have to be modified. I also recommend the Lone Star Models resin cockpit.

  7. More nice work from a master.

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