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Jeff Brundt
9 articles

AFV’s 1/48 F-5E Aggressor

January 29, 2013 · in Aviation · · 5 · 5.8K

A truly superb kit! AFV's F-5E is a joy to build. The only real tedious part was closing up the gun bay. I just took my time and carefully glued all the doors. Fortunately they fit really well. You just have to make sure you fully remove the sprue attach points as the fit is that close. Some putty was required, but not much. I used Harold Offield's/AMS' resin F-5 seat to dress up the cockpit a little. The kit seat could use a bit more detail. The only other kit that I have built that fit better was 's . (for those of you have built their you know what I am talking about). I even used the kit's pitot tube. (which was installed last and just press fit in to a hole drilled into the case I get ham fisted and break it)

Paints were Tamiya acrylics with the aggressor colors custom mixed. Masking a three-tone scheme is always fun. Metal areas are Alclad II. Decals were from Afterburner. It's a shame they closed up shop because Scott had some really wonderful decal sets. The model was given a pin wash with enamels to highlight the panel lines, recessed areas and the gear wells. Finally it was given a semi-matte clear coat.

If you like F-5's this kit is highly recommended.

Reader reactions:
1  Awesome

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5 responses

  1. Cool jet. Nice work.

  2. I remember that one. I'm certain of it. I know because I did a similar one that turned out rather pitifully in comparison. But I WILL score it a ten for the tedium of the pin wash alone. That's why mine never look as well as most here...I don't have the patience and I want it done! Dunno why that is.

  3. Lovely build and beautiful paint scheme. The F-5 is such a futuristic looking aircraft that really suits the 3-tone blue. I always think they look like they should be launching from those flashing tunnels on the Battlestar Galactica!
    Do you have a picture of the kit seat for comparison? Is it really that far off from the AMS one?

  4. Great looking F-5, Jeff! I really like those Aggressor schemes and the camouflage is perfectly executed.
    I have the AFV F-5F on the shelf and hope to start it soon, to be built as a US Navy adversary. Many thanks for the heads up on the gun bay, overall it sure sounds like a great kit.

  5. said on March 10, 2015

    What color did you use to paint the training sidewinder?


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