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Kevin Thompson
15 articles

Evading the Grummans- Hasegawa 1/48 C6N1 Saiun "Myrt"

January 7, 2013 · in Aviation · · 6 · 2.1K

Nakajima's C6N three-man reconnaissance plane was originally intended to serve from Japan's aircraft carrier fleet, but by the time it entered service, there were really no more carriers to fly from. Flying from land-bases, the "Myrt" was able to make fast, long-distance surveys of U.S. military operations as the Americans got ever-closer to the Japanese mainland. On at least one occasion, the plane's crew were happy to report that they were able to outrun Grumman Hellcats to evade a battle area. At first glance, the C6N1 may look alot like a scaled-down B6N "Jill" torpedo bomber, but is completely different, more sleek and "built-for-speed".

This kit of the "Myrt" is really the only truly accurate one there is in scale. Previously, there was only the old (60s-vintage) kit in 1/50th. The kit is typical , and has nice features such as a complete cockpit, detailed landing gear and positionable flaps and leading edge slats.

Not the most well-known plane, but certainly one of interest to those following Japanese WWII aircraft.

Reader reactions:
5  Awesome

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6 responses

  1. Damn nice model, Kev.
    I won't quote "One slug" McWhorter on shooting down Myrts. 🙂

  2. I agree...nice build.

  3. Say what you want, but to me most of the Japanese aircraft were simply so good looking, this one included. There's consistency in the aesthetics of the designs shown in your series which is quite stunning.

  4. I have build this one too. You did a good job on it! Well done, sir!

  5. Compared to the 1:72 scale it is a giant 🙂 great model!

  6. I like the clean look of your build, Kevin, and fully agree that the Japanese a/c of this period showed remarkable aesthetic flair, though the canted fin and rudder to improve carrier storage clearance does take a bit of getting used to! Congratulations for completing this outstanding model!

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