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Tom Cleaver
933 articles

Little Friends to the rescue - "Lou IV"1/48 Tamiya P-51D

January 24, 2013 · in Aviation · · 2 · 2.4K

The famous for being well-known "Lou IV", flown by 361st FG CO Col Thomas Christian.

P-51D modified to early P-51D-5 configuration. Falcon vac canopy. Kit decals.

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3  Awesome

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2 responses

  1. The same aircraft (LOU IV) in 1/32 scale from Tamiya is on my bench waiting for finishing paint job and dressed up decals. Hope that I can post it here in spring.

  2. Famous for being well-known? That would make it the George Hamilton of P-51 Mustangs, right?

    Definitely one of those iconic P-51s that you remember forever. Nice model.


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