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Darren Dickerson
71 articles

1/48 Tamiya P47D “Formation Monitor” 467th BG 1944

February 22, 2013 · in Aviation · · 7 · 2.1K

Hi Everyone

Another formation monitor, this P47 flown by CO Col. Shower, fully armed and kept in good condition.
Superscale Decals 48-1170
Tamiya/Gunze Paints

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7 responses

  1. Colorful! Very nice paint scheme, with color set reminiscent of a pre-war P-12. Like it a lot.

  2. Beautiful build, Darren. By the term "formation monitor", is that something akin to the wildly colored B-17's and B-24's used for visual reference to form up the bomber streams?

    • The formation ships orbited where the formation was to join up - the formation monitor flew up and down the formation getting everyone in position before crossing into enemy territory for defensive purposes.

    • Hi Craig
      I have an excellent book called "Assembly Ships of the Mighty Eight" ISBN 978-83-924914-1-5, that has heaps of info on B17's, B24's & P47's used as assembly ships & formation monitors. Highly recommended.

  3. Another excellent P-47 Darren.

  4. that is stunning

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