71 articles · 2.9K karma · 15 friends · active 1 week, 3 days ago

50 years old
Favourite Aircraft - P47 Thunderbolt
Modelling last 15 years after long break...

2023 NSW Model ShowMiscellaneous

Some caught the eye more than others! All the best and happy modelling!

2023 NSW Model ShowMilitary Vehicles

A selection of military vehicles that caught my eye at the show!

2023 NSW Model Show - Aircraft

Hi Everyone Here are a selection of aircraft models that took my interest at the 2023 NSW Scale Model Show that was on last weekend. Great weekend for all and much modelling inspiration for next year!

1/48 Hasegawa FW-190A6 Nachtjagd JG2

Hi everyone Happy New Year to all! First one finished for 2022, though was started early December 2021. I added - Ultracast seat & wheels. Master Guns & Pitot Decals - Owl Decals The Hasegawa kit goes together well - no real [...]

2021 Report Card

Hi Everyone Happy New Year to all! Builds for 2021 were down on 2020 but still managed the following (in order of completion) - 1/48 Hasegawa Ki44 Shoki 1/72 Academy F/A-18 Hornet RAAF "Operation Okra" 1/48 Tamiya Beaufighter Mk1 [...]

1/48 Airfix Stuka Ju-87 Trop

HI Everyone Here is my 1/48 Airfix Stuka (New Tool) - all done and dusted. Quickboost Seats Quickboost Exhaust Qucikboost Prop Gaspatch MG15 ROP Decals - African Stukas Pitot - Brass Tube Painted using Tamiya acrylics. A great kit and with [...]

1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44 -II Otsu "Tojo"

This great little kit is OOB bar me painting the main markings except for the tail flash and numbers. Paints are Tamiya, Mr Hobby & Alclad. Happy Modelling Darren

1/72 Academy F/A-18A RAAF Hornet

Hi Everyone Finished this one that has been sitting around for sometime... It is OOB bar the decals which are from Ronin Decals and features a 77 Squadron RAAF Hornet from Operation Okra 2017. Loadout not 100% accurate as only had kit [...]

2020 - Report Card

Hi Everyone Here is my 2020 models (all 1/48 unless noted otherwise) - Tamiya P-38F Tamiya P-38G (Luftwaffe) Tamiya 109E3 Condor Legion Hasegawa P-40N Hasegawa Shiden "Prisoner of War" Hasegawa Macchi 205 [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47D “Nut Cracker” 405th FG

This is one of my favourite all time markings for the P-47. The decals are from the Aeromaster Special "P-47's of the 405th FG" and I have quite a few more to build from this series of sheets (3 parts) if interested contact [...]