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Rob Anderson
204 articles

Since I can't build for awhile while getting unpacked a Ventura.....

February 4, 2013 · in Aviation · · 9 · 1.8K

VPB 150 built from the newish kit. I really enjoyed the build EXCEPT for the bomb bay doors! Other than that though great fit, a few mistakes on my part here and there. I bought aftermarket props and engines (can't remember what brand sorry) Opened up the cowl flaps some, vacuformed new exhaust shrouds and made new pipes from aluminum tube. Octopus and nose art are hand painted.

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9 responses

  1. I haven't started my Ventura yet, but I was lookin' at the instructions and was thinkin' those doors would be a made my decision easier...I'm buildin' 'em closed! Yours came out nice. Did you use the octopus decal as a mask or just 'wing it"...?

  2. It's a nice kit - the obsessives can get the DMold correction parts, the rest can just do it, and it turns out very nice. Yours certainly did.

  3. You are right Tom it is a pretty great kit and the price is hard to beat. I looked at the DMold corrections and just didn't see that big of a difference. One mod I wish I would have noticed and done before I closed up the fuselage, is making sure the bulkhead at the rear of the cockpit only go 1/2 way across. Oh well!

  4. Very nice Rob. You did a really nice job on this kit, I look forward to seeing it some time in person. You will have lots to show once you get settled in. Don't worry about the furniture and boxes, just get your model table set up. Got to get the priorities right 🙂

  5. LOL, the missus may take contention with those priorities!

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